Payroll services

Payroll services

Your global payroll partner

Payroll is a critical business function. And when carried out poorly, it can hurt your business through poor staff morale, and by creating problems with the Ghana Revenue Authorities and National Pension Regulatory Authorities. For a small business, outsourcing payroll is a viable and cost-effective solution that saves time and allows you to comply with strict tax laws. Since 2009, we have helped many businesses, both local and international, with payroll. We have acquired a deep knowledge of Ghana labour, Pension and tax laws, and developed the systems required to deliver effective payroll services. By partnering with BDO, you can be sure of a consistent, high quality payroll service ensuring compliance and attention to detail at all times.

Our clients benefit from:

A centralised platform
We provide a centralised platform with a single point of contact for your HR teams, thereby reducing the burden of having to work with multiple contacts and ensuring that the solution works with existing processes and controls seamlessly.

A personal team
As market leaders, we pride ourselves on the strong and personal relationships we build with clients at all levels. Every client has a dedicated BDO client team who have first class management skills and outstanding technical expertise.

Globally accessible
BDO can provide a truly global service to you by utilising its international network.

Increasing Value
BDO ePayslip is primarily designed as a global payslip distribution system. However the system also can also be used to send communications to people within a specific business unit or to your entire personnel and comes with full activity reporting, which is available for export to Excel.

The BDO ePayslip system has the flexibility to not only add new business entities but also a range of other functions and services from BDO to support your business as it changes, allowing you to focus on your businesses future."

Contact Us

Alex Dsane

Alex Dsane

Chief Operating Officer
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